Getting Social Security Disability Because Of Statins
If your health has been permanently compromised as a result of lipid-lowering drugs, you may be entitled to social security disability benefits. If your high cholesterol has not been responsive to lifestyle modifications such as losing weight, exercising, eating healthy and smoking cessation, your health care provider may have recommended that you take a medication known as a statin drug.
These medications help lower total cholesterol levels, raise high-density lipoproteins, or "good cholesterol," and lower low-density lipoproteins, or "bad cholesterol." While most people who take statins tolerate them well, some experience dangerous side effects and adverse reactions. Here are two serious effects of lipid-lowering drugs which may entitle you to social security benefits.
A serious muscle condition known as rhabdomyolysis leads to the breakdown or disintegration of muscle tissue, and may be caused by consuming statin drugs. When your muscle tissue is compromised by drugs or disease, its fibers can infiltrate your bloodstream. Since certain substances in the muscle fibers are very irritating to your kidneys, irreversible renal damage may develop.
If you take statins and experience any of the following adverse reactions, call your physician, who will recommend medical tests such as a blood chemistry profile and perhaps a muscle biopsy:
- Severe Muscle Pain Or Weakness
- Concentrated Or Dark Urine
- Extreme Fatigue
- Nausea Or Vomiting
- Unintentional weight gain
Abnormal Heart Rhythm
Rhabdomyolysis may also lead to a condition known as hyperkalemia. This condition refers to very high levels of serum potassium, which if not diagnosed and treated promptly, can lead to a dangerous cardiac arrhythmia.
While prescription drugs and dietary interventions can help lower you serum potassium levels, severe hyperkalemia may require intravenous fluid administration or kidney dialysis. Once your potassium levels are stable, heart function may return to normal, however, in some cases, rhythm abnormalities such as atrial fibrillation, tachycardia, or bradycardia, may be permanent.
If you develop permanent tachycardia because you took statins, your physician may prescribe a medication known as a beta blocker to slow and strengthen your heart beat. Conversely, you develop bradycardia as a result of statins, you may need to have a pacemaker implanted.
If you believe that you have been permanently disabled as a result of taking statin medications, seek the advice of social security disability attorney services. You may be eligible to receive social security disability benefits. Keep in mind, however, that most medications cause side effects. Your claims of permanent health consequences will need to be substantiated by your medical records.