What Is An Alford Plea And Can It Help In A Criminal Case?

When you are charged with a crime, you must submit a plea of innocence or guilt. The plea you select will typically have an impact on your sentencing. For instance, a judge may give you a lighter sentence if you plead guilty and save the prosecutor the trouble of proving the case in court. However, there are several alternative pleas you can make, one of which is called the Alford plea. Read More 

Whistleblowing Versus Exposing Company Secrets: How Civil Litigation Differentiates Between The Two

If you expose something secretive about the company you work for and suddenly find yourself in the midst of a lawsuit, you may be wondering how your commercial litigation lawyer can help you out of this sticky situation. From your point of view, you may have been "whistleblowing," but from your employer's perspective you were revealing company secrets you agreed to keep secret. There is a legal differentiation between the two, and here is how your lawyer will not only explain it but use the definitions to defend your position. Read More 

Filing For Social Security? Why You Should Consult With An Attorney First

If you're filing for Social Security Disability (SSD,) you may think it's as easy as filling out the application, submitting it and waiting for your approval letter.  However, the process is not as cut-and-dried as you may believe, since the greater majority of people who file for SSD are denied the first time they do so.  This is why it's so critical for you to speak with a SSD attorney before you file. Read More 

Getting Away From An Abusive Wife

While there might be many factors which have led you to stay with an abusive wife, in spite of her behavior, it's important that you be ready to move quickly once the decision has been made to terminate your marriage. Finding the help you'll need, especially if there are children who might also be at risk of abuse, will help ensure that your experiences aren't dismissed during the proceedings. Unfortunately, men report intimate partner violence less often, and this can result in adverse reactions, so it's important that you work with an attorney who is supportive and accepting of the reality of your situation. Read More 

Faqs About Workers’ Compensation Death Benefits

Workers' compensation is not solely limited to the injured person in some cases. If your family member died as a result of his or her workplace injuries, you could potentially receive benefits. Before filing, here is what you need to know.  Who Is Eligible? Eligibility for death benefits through workers' compensation are mostly limited to spouses and children. You could also potentially be eligible if you were dependent on the family member to provide you with financial support. Read More