Preparing To Divorce: Tips For A Smooth Beginning

If divorce is definitely on your horizon, consider prepping quite a bit in advance. Don't be caught by surprise by your spouse, makes some proactive plans of your own. Read on for some tips for a smooth beginning for your upcoming divorce. Choose your divorce lawyer as soon as possible. Keep in mind that many towns have one or two great divorce lawyers, and you want first pick. Once you speak to a divorce lawyer about your case, they cannot represent your spouse. Read More 

Important Things To Know If You Are Considering A Prenup

As you begin preparing for your wedding day, are you starting to wonder if you should get a prenuptial agreement? A prenup is a tool couples use, before their marriages, to create an agreement they will use if they end up divorcing. Some people are strongly against prenups, as they believe they start a marriage off on the wrong foot, but prenups are not all bad. Here are several things you should know if you are thinking about getting one. Read More 

What Is An Acquittal And How Can You Get One?

Did you just get out of jail after being bonded out? If so, were you arrested for a crime? When you get arrested for a crime, it means that the court will have criminal charges against you. If you are in this position, you should understand how the criminal process works, and you should also understand what an acquittal is in criminal law. Getting an acquittal in your case is the best possible outcome you can have, and here are a few things to understand about this important term. Read More 

Reasons To Hire An Attorney To Help With Your Workers’ Compensation Claim

If you are about to apply for workers' compensation, you might want to hire an attorney first. Sure, you might have heard that others have filed for workers' compensation and were able to get the benefits they were entitled to without having to fight for them. However, not everyone gets that lucky. Here are some reasons for hiring an attorney that will help you decide whether this will be the right move for you to make: Read More 

Things You Can Do To Help Your Kids During Your Divorce

One thing you should think about before you begin the divorce process is the effects it will have on your kids. While staying together just for the sake of the kids is something many couples do, this is not always the right move. If you decide that a divorce is right for you and if you have kids, you can make it easier on them by understanding what kids want in a divorce and giving those things to your kids. Read More