Ideally, if you have a close relative pass away, they left a will that clearly explains where all of their assets will go. And in the best of cases, that will is clear and legally valid. But it doesn't always happen that way. Your relative might not have left a will, or it may be nowhere to be found. They may have left a will that contains instructions that aren't legally valid.
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If your health has been permanently compromised as a result of lipid-lowering drugs, you may be entitled to social security disability benefits. If your high cholesterol has not been responsive to lifestyle modifications such as losing weight, exercising, eating healthy and smoking cessation, your health care provider may have recommended that you take a medication known as a statin drug.
These medications help lower total cholesterol levels, raise high-density lipoproteins, or "
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If you are going through a divorce you may be considering doing it yourself instead of hiring a lawyer. Even though this may save you a lot of money, it is not a good idea. To help you, below are three benefits of hiring a divorce attorney so you can see why you need one.
Prevent Mistakes
You will likely make a lot of mistakes because you do not understand the law.
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Hearing that your relative has died while in surgery or due to a medical emergency is devastating enough without also hearing that it may have been preventable. Medical mistakes and negligence are unfortunately a lot more common than they should be, and if your family member was the victim of negligence, for example, then you need to take action. But it is also possible for these medical events and deaths to be due to confusion from an unknown condition or a situation that couldn't be helped.
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When you have battled your workers compensation case, and you have won your award, you can almost be sure that you won't pocket the whole check. Different things can reduce the amount you eventually receive; some are inevitable while others depend on the circumstances of your case. Here are three examples of these factors:
SSA Offsets and Taxation
Generally, workers compensation benefits aren't taxable either by state or federal governments, but there are exceptions to this rule.
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