Do you need to file for bankruptcy to get out of your tough financial situation? You may be overwhelmed with the different types of bankruptcy that are available and figuring out which one you should use. Here are some reasons for and against using Chapter 13 bankruptcy to help you make a more informed decision.
Why You Should Use Chapter 13
There are many positive reasons for using Chapter 13 bankruptcy.
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The country passed the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) in 1990. Since then, workers with disabilities have enjoyed protections from workplace discrimination, both on the federal level and through similar state regulations. Nevertheless, abuse still occurs. At times, an employer may do so unknowingly. In other instances, they may decide to just ignore the law.
Regardless of why the discrimination occurs, disabled workers should contact labor law services as soon as possible.
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Drumming up new business these days can be hard, so many large and small companies alike will use promotional mailers and sweepstakes to get new business rolling in. However, if you're the owner of a small business, it's important to understand the legal limits you're under -- otherwise, you may soon find yourself in deep trouble.
The Deceptive Mail Prevention and Enforcement Act Sets the Limits
Transparency is key when you send out promotional mailings of any kind, including sweepstakes.
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Unless you and your spouse are able to agree on every single divorce issue, you might be headed for a court case. Divorce trials, in some cases, can get complicated. In this instance, complications refer to contested issues like:
Child custody, visitation, and support Spousal support Marital property Marital debt And more. Any one of the above can call for a divorce case that's built upon a lot of financial documentation, custody evaluations, forensic accountancy investigations, and more.
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When you pursue a personal injury lawsuit after a car accident, the main point of your lawsuit is to pursue monetary compensation for the damage that was inflicted upon you. The two primary types of damage you can pursue after a car accident are compensatory damage and punitive damage. Compensatory damages are more common for vehicular personal injury lawsuits.
How Compensatory Damage Works in Car Accident Personal Injury Cases
The most common type of damage awarded after a car accident is compensatory damage.
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