Divorce settlement negotiations often focus on dividing up assets like the marital home, bank accounts, and retirement funds. But never overlook the importance of properly dividing up debts as well. What can you do to ensure that you manage debt arrangements in the best way possible during negotiations? Here are a few steps to take.
1. Get a Credit Report
Divorcing spouses should always check their credit reports, as it can be a wealth of information.
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At some point, you might need to hire a bail bondsman, either for yourself or someone you care about. Since you might not work with one of these professionals very often, you could be wondering about how you can find a bail bondsman that can help with your needs. These are some of the different ways that you can shop for a bail bondsman; hopefully, with a little searching, you'll find the right person to help.
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When a man agrees that they are the father of a child, that admission comes along with several legal provisions. Read on and find out more about what it means to be declared a legal parent of a minor child.
What Paternity Means
Accepting child paternity means that a man acknowledges that he is the biological father of a child. That can mean:
Child support obligations: By accepting paternity, a father can be legally obligated to provide financial support for the child, including paying child support.
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During your separation, you might enter into a confidentiality agreement. A gag order might be placed to prevent you from discussing specific issues. However, these orders cannot be used to prevent you from discussing matters related to abuse or criminal activities. Suppose you find yourself in a situation where you don't know how a confidentiality agreement might affect your ability to discuss a controversial issue. In that case, you can talk to a family lawyer.
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It can be difficult to deal with all the little issues that can pop up after an accident. When accident victims are already trying to cope with their injuries and financial matters, a phone call from an insurance representative might fail to register any interest. This call, though, has the potential to be very impactful.
Two Adjusters: What to Know
You are expected to report your accident to your own insurer as soon as you can.
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