Years of careful planning may have allowed you to save a significant amount of money and sizable assets. You want to be sure that all of them will be distributed according to your wishes after you die. You may want to bequeath certain people in your life with gifts of money and property by which to remember you.
Rather than leave the dispersal of your estate to your next of kin, you can put in writing the final intentions of your wealth.
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If your loved one passed away with a basic will or no estate planning in place, the estate will need to go through probate. This will require hiring a lawyer to take you through the process of administering the estate, verifying that the debts are paid, distributing assets, and following your loved one's wishes. Here is how a probate lawyer helps with this process.
Collect Proceeds From Life Insurance
Do you know if your loved one had a life insurance policy?
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Car accident victims may have no choice but to take it easy for a few weeks after a car accident. When someone is hit and hurt by a careless driver, the smartest thing to do is to recuperate. There are other good reasons for not being too hasty after a wreck and they have to do with getting compensation. Read on and find out why it would be foolish to get in a rush after a car accident and make the wrong moves.
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When a client and a personal injury attorney decided to move forward with a claim, one of the biggest issues is arriving a dollar figure for expected compensation. Here are four personal injury law concerns that have to be addressed before you can send a demand package to a defendant and their insurance provider.
1. Total Medical Expenses
Claimants need to look at more than just the medical bills they've already accumulated.
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Have you been involved in an on-campus accident, you might wonder if you have a case to sue. After all, educational facilities are required to provide students with a safe environment, whether you are a student or a faculty members.
If you have been injured in an on-campus accident, this is what you need to know.
What Kinds of Accidents Occur On Campus?
Most schools are safe, but that does not mean that some people do not experience accidents on campus.
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