Why You Need To Think Of The Future When Negotiating For Child Support

When it comes to child support negotiations, don't just focus on the present (like rent and grocery for the next few months); you also need to think about future expenditures. If you fail to do this, you are likely to find yourself seeking a child support modification sooner rather than later. To avoid such wastage of resources, here are some of the things to include in your child support negotiations:  Read More 

When Elder Abuse Happens At Home

Many nursing homes are cited each year for failing to care for their residents properly. Elder abuse is one of the most common concerns of family members when they place a loved one into one of these facilities. To avoid the potential for abuse some families opt for at-home care. This is an often beneficial option for people because they stay in the home they love and get the undivided attention from their caregiver. Read More 

4 Things You Need to Include in Your Bankruptcy Retainer Agreement

If you are in the process of hiring an attorney to represent you through your bankruptcy case, you are going to need to sign a bankruptcy retainer agreement. A bankruptcy retainer agreement sets forth both you and your attorney's responsibilities concerning your case. Here are four things that you need to make sure are included in your agreement. #1: Breakdown of All Fees One of the most important components of your retainer agreement is the formal breakdown of fees. Read More 

Answering A Few Important Bankruptcy Questions

When you have been unfortunate enough to experience serious financial difficulties, it is important for you to understand bankruptcy protection. This can be an excellent option for those that are needing to get a fresh financial start. However, if you have limited experience with bankruptcies, you may benefit from having the following couple of questions answered. Will A Bankruptcy Help You If Your Creditors Are Threatening Legal Action? It is an unfortunate reality that your creditors can utilize rather aggressive actions to collect their debts. Read More 

What To Expect As A Pet Owner Going Through Divorce

For the average owner, a dog or cat is more than just a pet. These animals are extended members of the family. For this reason, in the event of a divorce, many couples will struggle with determining who gets to keep the animal. You might be surprised to discover that there are laws in place that can simplify this decision for you. If you are a pet owner headed towards divorce, it's important that you know what to expect. Read More