Workers' compensation is not solely limited to the injured person in some cases. If your family member died as a result of his or her workplace injuries, you could potentially receive benefits. Before filing, here is what you need to know.
Who Is Eligible?
Eligibility for death benefits through workers' compensation are mostly limited to spouses and children. You could also potentially be eligible if you were dependent on the family member to provide you with financial support.
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Ideally, you and your spouse created and signed a prenuptial agreement before marriage to avoid conflicts about finances. However, if you did not, you can still create a legally binding agreement to help settle financial disagreements. If you and your spouse are considering a postnuptial agreement, this is what you need to know.
What Is a Postnuptial?
A postnuptial agreement is signed after you are married. The agreement is a way for you and your spouse to protect your rights in the event that you end up separating or divorcing.
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If you want to be prepared for the future, it's time to think about your estate planning needs. Having an estate plan is a great way to be prepared for a number of life situations. While you may consider waiting to plan until later in life, now is the time to do it! It's recommended that you hire a professional to guide you through the process. Take a look at the following information to better understand the benefits to hiring a skilled estate planning lawyer to help you plan.
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An employment contract is a great way to make sure that both the employee and the employer are clear on what's expected of them in the course of an employment arrangement. However, despite the clarity and detail that they can bring to an employment situation, they also raise the possibility of a breach of contract. Here's a look at some things you need to know as a business owner about employment contracts and what can happen if they are breached.
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If you have been hurt while working for your employer, you may be considering filing a claim for workers' compensation. However, there are a few situations where you may not be eligible. The following are four cases where you may not be able to collect on workers' compensation, even though you were injured on the job.
Your employer does not carry workers' compensation
Some businesses are exempt from carrying this type of insurance, although the businesses that are not required to have a policy are in the minority.
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